Elements – Discipleship Pathway // Step 02

Elements – Discipleship Pathway // Step 02

Every Sunday, from 03/06/2022 to 03/13/2022, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Calvary SLO, 4029 S. Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, CA US 93401

Website: https://calvaryslo.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1193499

Elements is designed to help you grow in your awareness of and love for Jesus so you may take hold of the indwelling life of Jesus and grow as a child of God (a disciple). The two-part module includes foundational practices that all disciples can incorporate into their walk with Christ. It also demonstrates how to reflect our relationship with Jesus to those we do life with.

We’ll dig into the bedrock on which we build our lives. This session will seek to help you develop a greater understanding of and love for; God’s nature, purposes, and loving actions, through Jesus.

We’ll focus on the nature and identity of God’s redeemed people — the Church. The hope is for you to gain a greater apprehension of His redemptive plan for our lives, receiving the empowerment He provides to do so, and a vision of the mission he has called us into.

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