If you are new to Calvary SLO, below are the four best ways to get connected. We hope to see you here, soon!
Join us Sunday Morning at 9:30 as we lead our community in worship, prayer & the word. We also continue to offer a livestream version of the service for those who can't make it in person.
Calvary Youth is a fun and supportive community of middle & high school students who are navigating how to love God, love others, and do good in the midst of a turbulent, noisy, and confusing world.
Men! Join us every other Wednesday night in the Warehouse for an amazing night of worship, teaching, and community as we press into all that God has for us in an intimate and authentic setting.
Connect with women of all ages and stages every other Wednesday night in the Warehouse as we study the book of Philippians in a welcoming, gospel-centered environment.
If you're looking to get plugged in and use your gifts to be a blessing to the church, please fill out a volunteer form and we'll be in touch.
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