Baptism - Avila Beach

Sunday, May 20, 2018, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Location: Avila Beach, Avila Beach Pier, Avila Beach, CA US 93424

Bring your blanket, your umbrella, your folding chair and join us under the bridge celebrating what God is doing in so many lives!

Sunday, May 20 we’ll be combining both of our Sunday services (9am & 11am) into one big family style service at the beach. This is a day you’ll remember for a long time, as many people who’ve been transformed by the power of the gospel will joyfully give witness to their new lives, by being baptized. God has always been about proclaiming his greatness by many means. Baptism is just one of the many ways in which we publicly proclaim what God’s done.

Avila Beach (N. of the pier)

If you’d like to be baptized, do the following:

  1. Sign up to be baptized
  2. Listen to Pastor Bryan’s message on baptism, and read this article.
  3. Watch our baptism video
  4. Invite friends/family/coworkers
  5. Show up at Avila Beach at 10:30 AM to meet with the pastors/leaders. We’ll be meeting near the bridge on the N. side of the Avila pier.


Q. Why should I get baptized?
A. Jesus commanded that all Christians be baptized (Mt 28:19). His apostles also commanded that all Christians be baptized (Acts 2:38). Therefore, Christians should be baptized because their God and His servants command it. If you’re a believer we invite you to participate in being baptized, by publicly identifying yourself with Jesus’s death, burial + resurrection (Rom. 6:1-5). This is a beautiful opportunity to declare in the most public way that you’re committed to following Christ.

Q. Who should get baptized?
A. Baptism in the New Testament follows repentance of sinand faith in Jesus (Acts 2:38-41; 2:41; 8:12; 9:18-19; 10:44-48; 16:14-15, 40; 16:29-36; 18:8; 19:1-7; 22:16). Therefore, only Christians who have repented of sin and have trusted in Jesus should be baptized.

In summary, repentance of sin and faith in Jesus are the marks of a Christian. And all Christians are commanded to be baptized in order to identify themselves with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Subsequently, no one but a Christian should be baptized, and this excludes all non-Christians and children who are too young to demonstrate repentance and articulate faith.

Q: May I be baptized if I have previously been baptized?
A: Once someone has been baptized there’s no need for them to be baptized again (Eph 4:5). The only exceptions to this would be if someone was baptized as a non-Christian and desires to profess his faith and be baptized as a Christian (Acts 19:1-5). This exception would include people who were baptized in a cult, an aberrant church, or those baptized as infants at the request of their parents. Calvary SLO does not require that those who were baptized as children be re-baptized as believing adults, but leaves this decision to the conscience of each believer.

Q: What should I wear?
A: Most people wear shorts and a T-shirt. Yet, as a general rule it’d be a good idea to wear something that promotes decency. (in other words, no one wants to see a dude wearing a Speedo…you get the idea)

Q: Can I invite family and friends?
A: Absolutely. Let them know its kind of a big deal, like a birthday party, and you would love to have them there.

Q. What will it be like?
A. Preceding the baptism, pastor Bryan will share a brief message. Then those who are going to be baptized will have an opportunity to share (should they desire) what God has done in their lives to bring them to Christ. After the testimonies, we’ll lay hands of all the people and pray for them, then we’ll go down to the water for the baptisms.

If you have any other questions regarding the Baptism Service please call the office at 805-543-8516 or email us at

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